Friday, 2 March 2018

New address

Yipee, yay!

After two months of messing around on the internet Crazy Lady is announcing our website on Facebook and Instagram. She very proud because she built the site herself*.

Hold the board up properly, Burniece, people have to see the address otherwise no one will visit. Okay, but is this my best side? I ask her. My three seconds** of fame, I want to look good.

*Okay, so Crazy Lady did most of the work in building the website but it’s not like she started from scratch, and didn’t have help. She chose a template off the internet, there were so many choices, eventually she picked one, hurray. Then, Bongani, the nicest and most patient man, was on standby to answer all queries and help her when she got stuck. He did a lot, although he is letting her take all the credit.

**It used to be 15 minutes of fame, but that was in the good old days. Now with the internet you have a split second and when you blink it’s over. Even if you try not to blink it’s still over. Sigh. Strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018


I like school, learning new things is super. And I love sport - swimming, dancing, running, hockey, tennis. I like to get good at things I didn’t know how to do before. It makes me feel so good, and when they say: Well done, Sam I feel so proud, and I just want to do more, get even better.


I like marshmallows and chocolate biscuits, jelly and custard, milkshakes, chewy gum, jelly beans, warm puddings and cream. Dessert should be the main course and you should have plenty so there’s no room for vegetables afterwards.

Sisters: Alex and Sam


I like to pretend I am an alien. I pretend I am from the planet Boufagbi, and their staple food is caramel popcorn. Fields and fields of it cover almost the entire surface. The planet spins really fast, a day is only 4 hours long. No one has ever fallen off though. If you jump up in the air then you will land in a totally different place. So that’s really a dizzy spin.

Meaning: Happiness, joy.