Tuesday, 30 September 2014


"I dream of having a horse. He's called Flight of Fantasy. We gallop on the beach and through the fields. In my dream he never gets tired. We never stop." SOLD


"She opened the box and there was a crystal ball. I got goosebumps but I was afraid to look into the future." SOLD


" Ek weet nie wat my besiel het nie, maar ek het by die sirkus aangesluit. Ek wil so graag toertjies doen. Die lewe is maar magic." Donated to charity.

Translated: I don't know what possessed me, but I joined the circus. I have always wanted to do tricks. Life is magic."


"I always wanted to live on a farm. Walk through fields of long grass. Bark at the sheep and the chickens. Lie on the stoep at night that the sun warmed for me all day." SOLD


"I hate being late
and I hate to wait
If I get there early
I have to wait
If I get there late
my day is all hurly burly
and I get in a state." Donated to charity.


"I whisper a prayer, every night: thank you. Whether my day was great or just average. I give thanks." Donated to charity.


"A mosquito screams in my ear giving me ample warning, then strikes. Shoulder, hand, thigh. Ouch! Gosh, these summer nights..." Donated to charity.


"My father planted a wishing tree for me, for my birthday. I sit in it and make my wishes. Nothing too ambitious, just something delicious." Donated to charity.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


"I look up at the sky every night, waiting for the man in the moon to speak to me, for the stars to grant me a wish." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"He loves me. He loves me not. I keep picking the daisies until they get it right. Tee hee. He loves me."


"I hear the thunder in the distance. It travels in circles, clockwise, round and round. The lightning reminds me of a string of faulty Christmas lights. Once here, then there. Blue, yellow, orange, white, purple. I wait for the rain."


"The swallows are performing a ballet, way up high. It's so beautiful. I believe I can hear the rhythm of the music to which they dance." SOLD


"I love marshmellows. No, it's not a typo. That's how they make me feel. Mellow. Soft and mushy and fuzzy round the edges. Mmmmmm-ellow."


"I wanted to be a pilot. But I don't know my left from my right, or my green from my red. Ag tog!"


"I give everyone the same thing for their birthday. Hugs and kisses and best wishes. And a balloon." Given as a gift.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


"Bibber en beef. Ek was die hele dag in die swembad. Dit was so lekker maar nou sit ek soos 'n dassie in die son en probeer my koue lyf warm te kry."

Translated: Shiver and shake. I spent the entire day in the pool. It was wonderful but now I am sitting in the sun like a hyrax trying to warm my cold body. SOLD


"What a great day. We had so much fun and laughed so much. At the end of the day I kissed you goodbye, and somehow forgot to say thank you. Thank you so much for everything. Love you." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"If I dig up an earthworm in the garden I quickly cover him up again. He's naked you know."


"I played chess all day yesterday. Then all night I dreamt I was a figure on the chess board. Always the king, always checkmate. Over and over again. Argh! Ha, ha!" Donated to charity.

Monday, 1 September 2014


"My gran used to say: Attitude shapes your experiences. But alas, then I paid no attention. But now I say: Yes, gran, you were right. I should have listened to you. If you want great things to happen, have a great attitude." Donated to charity.


"Sometimes I cry when I'm happy. That something so wonderful could happen to me. I asked for it, believing I deserved it. Now I got it and cannot believe it." SOLD


"Ek dog hulle sê ek kry 'n fiets. Eintlik het hulle gesê ek kry advies. Ek het uitgesien na die fiets maar het niks van die advies gehou nie. Nou's ek vies. Ha ha!" Gifted.

Will get lost in translation, so rather learn the language.