Monday, 27 October 2014


"Ek wil uit my nate bars van skatterlag. Ek lag tot die trane loop. Tot ek op die vloer lê van die lekker kry." SOLD

Tried the translation, didn't sound so great. Sorry.


"Aren't people strange? When it's hot and dry they pray for rain. When the rain comes they stay indoors. I, myself, love the rain. They call me to come in but I stay there letting the rain drench me, refresh me. Then I go inside and give my body a good shake and everyone screams at me. They're getting wet after all. But I'm so happy, I just laugh." SOLD


"Without a lie
I laugh and I cry
when you call me a sweetie pie
when you say I'm the apple of your eye." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


"Blue is my new colour. We went and bought new clothes and everything I chose was blue. My mother said: What about this? Holding up a yellow top. I said: It's not blue. She's calling it my Picasso 1901. I just love blue." Gifted to Michael.


"My ma sê die plooie op my gesig is van die kussing. Toe ek so diep slaap is die voue van die kussing na my gesig toe oorgeplaas." Donated to charity.

Translated: My mother says the wrinkles on my face are from the pillow. While I was in a deep sleep the folds on the pillow were transferred to my face.


"They say I am unique, with an air of mystique, so to speak." SOLD

Sunday, 19 October 2014


"The hadeda shrieks that agonising cry while he flies. Over and over, he cries while he flies. I told my mother it's because he's afraid of heights. Ha ha tee daa. She almost believed me." Donated to charity.


"Sometimes you might search for answers, other times you have to let go, trust and believe." SOLD


"'n  vlinder is 'n ding wat vladder. Ek wou nog iets by skryf, maar wat? Dit sê mos alles. 'n vlinder is 'n ding wat vladder. Hoor jy hoe maak hy?" SOLD

No translation possible, haha!


"That music makes me forget the day. Makes me remember a dance, remember love. That tune make me think of you." Donated to charity.


"I like pizza. It's really cheese I love. There's a lot of cheese on pizza, so I like pizza. A lot!" Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"People used to be more interesting. Now everyone is hunched over their cellphones and tablets. I sit there with my smile, waiting, waiting for someone to look up." SOLD


"We rush down the road to whatever is next. Ahead of us is our dream. Everything is moving so fast, there's no time to look back." Donated to charity.


"Yes, I reuse, recycle and what's the other one? Oh yes, I reuse, reduce, recycle. If I don't save the earth, who will?" Donated to charity.


"Wisdom I found in a book: Last chances like first chances come only once. I can't remember which book it was." SOLD


"Nothing is an antique. It's all second hand. But I see they call it retro to make it trendy and that over there they say it's vintage to make it expensive. Ha ha!" Donated to charity.


"I said to my father: I really like those cotton ball clouds. He replied: It's really a flock of sheep up there." Donated to charity.


"They had me in stitches. They always said they were funny but you can only know for sure when they tell you a joke. And boy, are they funny." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"My favourite colour is red. Like strawberries and strawberry jam. Tomatoes and tomato sauce. Apples and toffee apple. Raspberry juice and watermelon and grapes and cherries and milkshakes and red velvet cake.
Yes, I know, also radishes and peppers and chillies and beetroot. Yuck! I don't eat those." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"They bend down to cuddle me and kiss me goodnight. I roll onto my back, stretch and smile and my eyes close with delight. Good night."


"There are such pretty dresses in the shop. I try one on and feel like a princess. I look like a princess. I am Princess Sharlot."


"My pa hang so 'n ou tyre in die boom. Twee van ons swing dan saam sodat ons by die lemoene kan uitkom. Dit vat lank want die tyre is swaar. Maar ons het die hele dag, dis Sondag en daar gebeur net mooi niks. Later sit ons in die koelte en eet hulle. Wat 'n heerlik dag." Donated to charity.

Translated: My father hangs an old tyre in the tree. Two of us have to swing together to reach the oranges. It takes forever because the tyre is so heavy. But we have all day, it's Sunday and nothing much is happening. Later we sit in the shade and eat them. What a great day."


"It has been night for a few hours now but my heart is still filled with sunlight, full of love and as soft as candy floss." Given as a gift.


"Ek is 'n ou dolla
met 'n bolla
en ek ry so 'n geel volla." SOLD

No, sorry, this cannot be translated. It can, but it won't rhyme in English and then it won't be fun.


"There are fairies in the garden. They walk boldly among the flowers, lie tanning on the leaves, but they tiptoe around the dogs, although the dogs are very gentle with them." SOLD


"I close my eyes and dream. Whether I sleep or not, I dream." SOLD


"It took a lot of hairspray and a prayer to tame this hair." Donated to charity.


"Are they really stars? Or is it just thousands of aliens flashing a coded message to us using mirrors and the sun?" SOLD

Cheesecake and story telling

A great way to spend a Sunday – eating cheesecake and writing the PrettyUgly stories.

Friday, 17 October 2014


"I pack a bag and tell my mother I'm running away. She says: goodbye. Argh! I unpack my things again ;-)"


"I built the tiniest labyrinth in the garden. It was completed at full moon. Then we took the first journey to the centre."


"Each year we have spring, summer, autumn and winter. And a free trip around the sun."


"And instantly I was happy. Like a big yellow umbrella that suddenly popped open." Donated to charity.


"I have never been in a flying machine. They go up, up, up, they come down, down, down. They make invisible patterns in the sky. I watch them going back and forth. Sigh."


"My ouma sê: Dis nie mooi om lelik te wees nie. Sy wil ons reg leer. Sy wil hê ons moet goeie mense wees. Sy wil trots wees op ons." Donated to charity.

I was going to translate it but you lose the entire essence of the story.


"Plans, plans, plans. We make plans for the future but the future has its own plan." SOLD

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


"Hulle bring twee vurke en een sny kaaskoek. Ons deel dit, ons deel alles. Ai, die liefde..." Donated to charity.

Translated: They bring two forks and one slice of cheesecake. We share it, we share everything. Oh, love...


"Every morning before everyone gets up I walk along the beach. At the edge of the wave I get my feet wet. I go in a little deeper and if no one is watching I pee in the sea. Sies, ja! Tee, hee. Come on, have you never done it?" Given as a gift.


"Science is as impossible to explain as magic. Hmm, perhaps science is magic, or magic is science." SOLD


"Spring! It opens the heart and we feel more capable of embracing our dreams. And that feeling lasts all summer long." Donated to charity.


"Because of love my father kills the spider and only when it's 'dead' does he show me it's nothing but a bundle of thread. Ja, lag lekker. Thanks, dad."


"The rain washes the entire garden. It's now clean and crisp and so green. It settles the dust and it settles my mood." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.


"Die hele week bou ons 'n boot. Ons wil van een kant van die plaas dam na die ander vaar. Ja, ons kan om die dam loop, maar die pret is om te sien of ons boot oor die dam sal dryf. Maar toe raak hy vol water en nou lê hy onder die groen water, iewers. Ons begin maar weer." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.

Translated: The whole week we spent building a boat. We want to sail it from one side of the farm dam to the other. Yes, we could just walk around but the fun is too see whether our boat will float. Alas, it fills up with water and is now somewhere under the green water. So we just start again.


"I like to hug people when I greet them, even strangers. Ha, ha, yes my mother did warn me ;-) I feel handshakes just keep you at arm's length."


"I always eat dessert first. Often when you eat the food and vegetables first there's no more room for dessert. And dessert is the best part of the meal." Volunteering at the Johannesburg Children's Home.

Monday, 13 October 2014


"In the photograph we are all laughing, so very happy. I remember that incredible day, one of those rare moments when the whole family got together." Gifted.


'My father says: the grass is greener...
...if you water it ;-)
He makes me laugh." SOLD


"I watch the mist swirl and twirl, a soft, slow dance that starts the day."


"I didn't give up on my dream. I just swopped it for another, something that made me happier."